Friday, June 23, 2006

momma's girl

Looks like precious baby G isn't a big fan of the bald guy who keeps calling her bubbers. It's true. It's a silly name. And, really, how can I blame her? Hmmm, bald guy with hairy knuckles or warm, sweet-smelling momma? Tough choice. Anyway, since those blasted shots, G's been pretty cranky. Tonight, she wanted my finger like a drunk wants the room to keep spinning. Luckily, as always, V was there to swoop in, gently scold me for my inability to quiet said child, and then swoop with child -- newly soothed by super momma -- off to the rocking chair. Ah, peace and quiet. I can't say I was too upset G wanted her momma. Baseball was on. Oh how I love to sit in one of the fatty captain chairs, drink a Corona and talk batting averages and stolen bases with Denny. Now, G's asleep, I'm eating a Kit-Kat and V's behind me reading what I'm writing. Hi V. I love you. I love you too...ok you guys can stop gagging now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Georgia your daddy is quite the writer. I am always amused.
Love you, Nanue