Sunday, April 27, 2014

One Big Party

 I decided to have one big party for both girls this year.  Since they both go to the same school there is a lot of sibling overlap a a big sense of community so I thought it would be fun to get the two groups together.  We did it on Friday night and invited both of their classes families.  We rented out the gym at a local church and had roller skating and a bounce house.  The girls had a blast and instead of presents raised money for the school library.  

 We served more that 100 hot dogs an date almost 2 cakes.  


Georgia Turns 8

My sweet G turned 8 this week.  She is such a sweet girl and I am so thankful she was my first born.  She has taught me so much and is such a wonderful role model for her little sisters.  She works so hard in school and plays so hard at home.  She is never short on laughter and is always in a good mood.  She doesn't let her hearing loss phase her or affect her in any way.  I wish she could stay 8 forever.  We had a little family party at our house the night of her birthday.  Her  dessert of choice was and ice cream sundae bar so that is what we did.  Lots of cherries were consumed.