Monday, February 05, 2007

Playing around

Here are a couple of pictures I played around with in our editing software:

9-month Update

I thought I might just do a little update on my baby girl since I never write much and stick to pictures. For those not interested, skip to the bottom and see the pics. Rigth now we have had a major breakthrough. Daddy has been putting Georgia to bed for the last 3 nights and it has gone so well. After 9 months of not leaving the house past 7:00 I am finally free. Here is how it goes:

I nurse her at 6:30 and then give her to daddy who bathes, dresses and reads to her. He then takes her to her room and lays with her until she falls asleep, which happens much faster than it ever did with me.

I have actually been leaving the house after nursing so she has no reason to think of me. She usually sleeps until at least 10:30 and then I will nurse her again. If she wakes before that her daddy goes in and gets her back to sleep.

So let me just say my husband is the bees knees. It is so awesome that he is willing to do this and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. God bless his little bald heart!

In other news Georgia likes:

-Her mommy and daddy
-baby yogurt
-chicken sticks
-knocking over block towers
-lotion massages (who doesn’t)
-dogs, especially Tucker
-dog food
-having her hair brushed (well, more she doesn’t mind)
-books (to eat not read)

She dislikes:
-green beans
-horses (she cried when we went and fed the horse with Vivian tonight)
-getting her diaper changed
-having her clothes changed
-when I leave the room

She is currently 14.6 pounds and 25.5 inches long and in the 3rd percentile for both. This last week she has started eating solids regularly twice a day and loves it. She cries when her yogurt is all gone. I am trying to put some meat on her bones since she is so little.

Last weekend she started trying to crawl away when I would say “I’m gonna get you.”

Her crawling has not really taken off but she gets where she needs to go. She loves to use me to pull up with and will stay really close by if we are sitting on the floor playing just in case she gets the urge to climb.

She still likes her sling and I wear her when we go to the grocery store, mall, or anywhere else really. She still can nurse out of it just fine and I will nurse her wherever if she needs to eat.

She has just 2 teeth on the bottom but her top right is getting ready to come through. I have to trim her nails at least twice a week or she shows up in the morning with cuts on her face.

She is just such a happy baby and so much fun to be around. I feel like we are finally clicking a long and things are going so smoothly. I wish someone had told me at 4 months how much fun I would be having at 9 months.

So on with the pictures. We went to a super bowl party at the Byrne ranch and her are some pictures of us getting our hair fixed for the big party and then some pics from the party (for those who have not seen Denny’s TV, well you get the idea).

And here are some of her playing with the dogs most prized possessions. What great dogs we have.

And lastly, one more pick of her with food an her face.