Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Bigger House

No we are not moving or building but adding. We decided to close in our porch so we have a playroom and a place for G to sleep. It should be done next week except for carpet. Here it is in progress. I have spent my nights and last weekend painting trim boards so I don't have to paint them once they are up. This first pic is facing south.

Facing north.

Facing east. The west wall is the one to the house and the door that leads into the living room. More pic to come when it is done.

Turning a Corner

When you have a new baby it takes a long time for things to feel "normal." For me it takes about 6 months to feel like I will have my life back some day and perhaps not always be attached to a baby. Well, Mera is 7-months and we have indeed turned a corner. Not to bore anyone but Mera had the most horrible habit of waking up 40 minutes after I put her to bed at night and it would take me another 40 minutes to get her back to sleep. I tried everything to no avail. So basically I have had no time in the evening for "me" time. Mera has recently dropped her early evening nap and I have made a change in the way I put her down and all of the sudden she is sleeping over two hours for the first sleep of the night. This makes me feel like a whole new mom. I finally have some time to myself and time with my sweet and ever-so-patient hubby.

So the point of all this is that we have turned that corner and are starting to see the future in a new way. This is our last baby and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Don't get me wrong, I love babies, but I have either been nursing or pregnant since July of 2005. Granted I will still be nursing for a long while probably but just to know I don't have to be pregnant again and don't have to care for a 0 to 6-month-old again is very refreshing and freeing.

On top of all this, Mera is such a wonderful baby and such a joyful spirit to be around. I have enjoyed her babydom so much so far and am uber-excited about he next 6 months and all the changes it will bring. She is honestly the cutest little snaggle-tooth (she now has 5 teeth) baby I have ever seen. She loves loves loves her big sisters and is so content to sit on the floor and watch them play. They love to include her (which I do not encourage for safety reasons) and love to mother her.

In other news, Darby had one of the most difficult days today she has ever had. She is just so tormented some days it must feel awful to be her. The first "set off" involved her not putting her own bagel in the toaster because I had already done it. This led to a 20-minute crying and screaming jag during which she was unreasonable and inconsolable. It also include her crumbling up said bagel on my carpet which made me real happy. The second indecent was set off because G got a drink out of the water bottle before her. We were leaving Sam's at the time and she screamed for about 15-minutes while we were stuck in traffic and at one point yelled that she was going to throw up. She was screaming and crying so hard I would not have been surprised. I would also like to mention she ate a bowl of oats, a fiber bar, two pieces of whole wheat toast with cream cheese, a corn dog, a bag of apples dipped in caramel, half a bag of peanuts and 2 cups of milk all before 11 am. She has out grown most of her 3T PJs and will only be 3 in April. Needless to say, she might be my tall one.

This picture cracks me up after I say all that because she looks a little evil. She had gotten into some old makeup and done her eyes and cheeks up real pretty.

We are getting so excited about spring! G is my helper girl and always wants to help clean. In this case I let her wash all the salt and junk off my car.

My sneaky-snake as I call her.

And my itty bitty titty committee.

Mera has gotten a little aggressive and crazy about all that is edible. Here she wants the apple.

Here G is sharing.

Daddy loving on his D. She needs A LOT of this to stay on an even keel. Sadly more than I can give with Mera around. But like I said, a corner has been turned and I am hoping for a growing allotment of snuggle time with my big girls.

Valentine's Day

Big Papa sent his girls flowers as always on V-day. They were gorgeous and the kids loved them. Mera kept pulling branches out as I was trying to take the picture.


We finally got out towards the end of the snow and built a snow man. From the size of his nose I am sure it is a snowman not a snowlady.