Saturday, October 17, 2009


The girls and I were playing in Darby's room this afternoon and Matt was in the living room watching football. Darby ran out and G and I continued to play. In the back of my head I heard that mommy voice say "It is too quite out there." Apparently flour doesn't make a sound when it falls off a shelf. I wish so badly I could've watched this happen but instead I just got to clean it up.

Pumpkin Patch

We took the girls to a pumpkin patch today and had so much fun. They are both old enough to have fun doing that kind of thing and I love this phase.
Georgia trying to pick out a pumpkin.

So many to choose from.

Maybe these two?

They had a turtle in a cage and my girls love turtles.

Climbing the pumpkin hills.

Taking a ride in the wagon with our chosen pumpkins.

It is really cute when Darby says pumpkin.

And this is Georgia with her decorated pumpkin.