Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pregnancy Update

I have passed the 37 week mark so our plans of a home-birth are so real now. We spent the weekend getting our supplies ready and going through infant clothes. We have everything laid out and ready to go. I have decided to rent a birthing pool and it will be delivered on the 29th or even earlier if I decide it is getting close to time. So far I don't feel like I am getting any closer but it is really not up to me. I will post pictures as soon as new baby Gleason arrives. We are looking forward to Nanue's visit this week and hope to have some pics to post of that as well.

Long Overdue

I have been not so good about updating but I really have not taken too many pictures lately. Her is what I have for March so far:

Georgia terrorizing Milo after bath.

The weather has finally made a turn so we are taking advantage of our sandbox.

Georgia helping momma with our new Swiffer.

We have discovered Georgia can eat her own body weight in frozen blueberries.