Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Locks of Love

I have been growing my hair out since I was pregnant with Mera and decided about a year ago to go ahead and get 10 inches so I could donate it to Locks of Love.  I finally got there and had it chopped.  I am so low maintenance that it doesn't matter to me what my hair cut is, I just work with what I've got.  I don't have much now.  

Darby's Spring Performance

Every spring the preschool we send the girls to has a Spring Performance.  Darby worked very hard on it this year and was so excited.  She did great and had so much fun showing off.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter 2012

So Eater this year was as little different because it was on Darby's actual birthday.  We did an egg hunt at our house first thing in the morning and then went to my mom's to hunt with the twins.
Here is Darby gettin' it all kicked off.  Notice the Easter bunny only hides real eggs at our house.  None of that candy stuff.
The Easter Bunny does, however, always bring each girl a Cadbury Egg.

D had gotten a puppet making kit for her birthday and the girls made some puppets after the egg hunt.  

Grandmama had all the candy at her house.  
Mera loved the hunt and was in on all the action.

Little Genevieve looking real hard for some eggs.  
Analiese scored a Goldfish filled egg.
And here are the girls with their Easter gift from Nanue.