Sunday, December 06, 2009

Slow Month

November was a bit of a slow month so I gave myself a break from the blog. Bur here we are in December already and things will be picking up. Here are just a few pics of what we did in November (which wasn't much to photograph). D and G have taken to playing night night. They spend a lot of time putting each other to bed and sometimes even Daddy gets in on it.
These sticky letters were a great investment. Lots of fun and time spent sticking them everywhere.
I can't remember if Darby did this to herself or if G or even I did it to her.

G is taking a gymnastics class and the girls love to put on their "Tu Tu's."
They are so sweet to each other lately. Georgia is really good with Darby and loves to help her.

Daddy was out of town the first weekend in Nov. and the weather was gorgeous so I let the girls go all out with the paint.

Darby loved it until the paint started drying on her skin. That really freaked her out.

Right about this time she started clawing her stomach and screaming.

Matt turned 30 on the 8th.

Georgia was invited to a princess tea party but was a little too shy to participate in the dressing up.

We made feather hats for Thanksgiving.

Our annual family Thanksgiving photo.

G and D playing with a little friend.

I am not sure who is forcing who to hold hands.

Darby did a number on her spice cake.
Nanue and Big Poppa came to see us the day after Thanksgiving.
Darby always takes right to them when they visit.
I will try to get back to my weekely updates and take more pictures. Both girls are so cute right now and so fun to be with.