Saturday, January 05, 2008

So Creative

Georgia was playing by herself the other day and I had not heard from her for a while when she started making her "Momma, come see," noises. I went over to find she had taken all of her animal out of their bin and put them in her new potty. So fun!

Happy Birthday Vivian

Vivian turned 8 on Friday and had her skate party today. I went but it was Georgia's nap time so she missed out. Even Mary Byrne skated but I skipped because of my 6 month pregnantness.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Over the Holidays

Vivian had her first singing performance since she started taking voice lessons and she did so good. Her brother, Cal, accompanied her.

Georgia found some old devil horns in her toy basket and loves to put them on.

Nanue and Big Poppa got her a shopping cart and she loves taking her babies for rides.

We celebrated X-mas early with Nanue and Big Poppa and we got to have a white Christmas with them.

Stocking fun.

Opening presents with Daddy

Here are pics from Christmas Eve at the Byrne Ranch

He was actually not drinking at the time this picture was taken

Christmas morning and there were M&Ms in the stocking.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ice Storm Part 2

Here are the final damages from the ice storm. Our power ended up being out from Monday til Thursday so we spent 3 nights at the shop. It was way worse for some people and by the end I felt lucky to only have been without power for 4 days.

Boredom at work set in quickly.