Thursday, June 09, 2011

Slip Slidin' Away

We got out the slip and slide last weekend and the girls are slowly getting the hang of it. Mera loves it.
Oh my God I love this baby (who slept for 8 straight ours last night)!
Mera gets a turn.
G head first.
Darby just splashin' in the puddle.
And she sticks the landing!

Casting Net with Aunt Bob

Aunt bob came to town and brought her casting net. We took it down to the pond to see what we could catch.
Darby is considering picking up that fish.
Georgia beats her to it.
One fell in the mud so we had to do a re-throw.
Here she is casting it out.
And again. I don't know if you can see the moss flying through the air but it landed on me.