Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Girls

They are really getting along with Daddy lately, especially Darby. The had better get used to that since he will be taking over many of my duties come July. And if you have not heard, baby #3 is another girl. We are all so excited and a little scared.

My blue eyed babies.

As, I have said before, the girls are really in to playing "night night" and spend lots of time in their cribs together.

Georgia loves it because it is a chance to have her paci and Darby just loves being with Georgia.

A rare day to play outside.

This kids loves to slide.

And slide.

1 comment:

Nanue said...

Seeing you girls, makes me even more
excited to know I am coming in a few
short weeks. You both have grown so much. I hope the weather will be great so we can have plenty of time to play outdoors and be together.
I love you dearly. Love, Nanue