Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Shots Today

Darby went for her 2-month check-up today. She got 2 shots and will be getting another next moth and the rest on a bit of a delayed schedule, which I feel really good about. She weighed 10lbs 11oz (50%) and is 23.75" long (85%).

And here is Georgia after her 2-month shots. She weighed in at 10lbs even and was 22" long.


Maria said...

Darby is so adorable...and happy! I love her smile and can't wait to meet her! :) Georgia doesn't look happy about the picture...or shots. Can't say I blame her!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I was way far behind! Love the mule - for its entertainment value to Georgia and its relaxation value to Darby! It certainly looks like fun for the whole family. I almost hesitate to tell Joel about the 16 acres your family just purchased - he will be so jealous! He really really wants to buy a chunk of land and that is a really fantastic location. Guess we'll just have to become close friends... (-:

Good to see you and G & little Darby today. I'm so glad Darby is getting happier and easier to put down for a few minutes at at time. Eowyn took FOREVER to put down - it really wasn't until she started walking that I could go do something without her feeling like i had completely abandoned her.

Love your Georgia translations! It's fun being a mom and knowing such precious secrets. (-:

Nap time for the Garringer clan! Good to see you today.
