Saturday, August 19, 2006

Just Between Friends

Tulsa had it's local "Just Between Friends Sale" today and I was privy to some media passes for a pre-show. It was the most overwhelming thing I have ever attended. No one prepared me for the overwhelming amounts of baby stuff that would be for sale. I won't go into all of it but we ended up with a baby gate, a boppy for me to have at work and a new...

I also ought to take this time to thank me friend Misty for coming to see us last weekend and meet the baby for teh first time.

And then there is one more bit of cutness.


Anonymous said...

Great Grandma and Nanue are looking at the blog today. Great Grandma thinks you look just like your daddy. Too cute !!! So much fun. We have added this blog to Great Grandma email.

Anonymous said...

Hi Georgia,
Your Nanue loves you. You are so photogenic. The last picture in this section is AWESOME!!!