Saturday, June 17, 2006


Welcome to our blog! Matt and I will try to keep family and friends up to date here as much as possible. I may be better at posting pictures than writing but it all counts.

Well, right now we're celebrating Georgia's 8-week birthday. She has gotten so long in 8 short weeks and is skinny as can be. Her eyes are still blue and we are just waiting for them to change to brown although I think some are hopeful they stay blue. She will be gorgeous either way.

I left her for the first time today for an hour over at her grandmama's house. Matt and I stayed at our house. Her grandmother hadn't had any time alone with her yet (really...none) and just wanted to be with her without me hanging over her shoulder. It went well but after an hour I was ready to have my baby back.

We have our 2-month check up on Tuesday and I am a little scared about the shots. I hope to make it through without crying. We have a new doctor we are going to see. I am hopeful we will like him and can end the dr. hunt. It is so hard to find good doctors.

As for Matt and me, I start back to work on Wed. and will be taking the baby with me. We are going to play it by ear to see how much I can get done and how much Matt will have to adjust his schedule. Matt is still plugging away as the music writer and enjoying it. His schedule is very flexible so he has been able to spend a lot of time with me and the baby.

Here are some of my favorite pictures for those who have not seen them. Enjoy!

In case you were wondering, Milo is adjusting fine and fits in where he can get in. Obviously.

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