Sunday, February 06, 2011


Here a picture purge of the last two weeks. Not enough of anything to deserve its own post but I thought worth putting up.

Nanue cam and stayed for a few days last week because I had to work due to an employee absence. It was a big help.

Mera just loves G and will be happy to just be with her. When Matt gives them a bath he sits just outside the door where he can watch but it won't upset Mera. She will just play with Georgia forever but if an adult other than myself enters the bathroom she will start crying.

I gave Darby her first set of pigtails but had to lead by example to talk her in to it.

Oh, and I bribed her with a Tootsie Roll.

Mera is on the food train. Lovin' some prunes and bananas.

We moved the slide inside for the snow storm. It of course ended in tears.

And more eating.

Matt did the girls nails and in turn, they did his.

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