Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day of School 09

Today was the first day of school for both Darby and Georgia. I left Darby for 5 hours which is the longest I have ever been away from her in her 17-month life. She did amazingly well and even napped for over an hour and a half. Here they are dressed and ready to go.

Darby fell down our deck steps last night so she got to go to school with a scrapped up face.
Georgia was so excited to move up to her "big girl class" and had a great day.

D really wanted to wear her backpack but it dragged her down.
And today was Kiki's birthday so we celebrated that.

Ice cream cake a la V. So good.

As and aside Darby is a total water baby and loves to be wet. When we take a shower I throw a wash cloth over the drain and she loves to lay in the water and sing while I poor water over her tummy. It is too cute.


Londonacres said...

Such big girls! Am I going to get an ice cream cake fr my birthday?

Nanue said...

My heart is smiling and the tears are falling down my face.
They are absolutely precious!!
Thanks so much for updating.
Looks like they had a great first day of school. cream cake.
Virginia you are quite the baker. So proud of all you do.
Thankful for my Tulsa Family.
Love, Nanue