Saturday, May 02, 2009

The Food

Those of you who know me know I love to cook and unlike most cooks I also love to bake. Since the first of the year my baking hat has been on the hook so I can get back down to my fighting weight but Georgia's birthday was the perfect excuse to do some baking. First I had to make a cake so that I could make and ice cream cake (which will be explained later). This is the cake I made the weekend before G's birthday. Chocolate with butter cream icing covered in sprinkles.

This is the ice cream cake I made which entailed taking the above cake and smashing it into a 1/2 gallon of softened vanilla ice cream, laying it on an Oreo crust in a spring form pan and refreezing for a few days. Right before serving I iced it with Cool Whip.

These are the cookies G helped me make for playgroup. I iced them after she went to bed because I am a little too meticulous to have a toddler help me ice cookies. Plus she eats too much icing.

These are the cupcakes I made for G's class. The little ones for the kids and the big ones for the teachers.

So after my birthday and making my own cake, D's birthday and making her cake and all that I did for G's birthday I have baking out of my system for while. Only my Dad's birthday is Monday...


Nanue said...

You are awesome !!!
You can do it all !!!
So special what you did for our
Miss Georgia on her many birthday parties.
I love you. Karen

Londonacres said...

Arg - they all look amazing and I am STARVING! KP