Saturday, November 01, 2008

Thank you

And I would now like to thank my husband for taking Darby long enough for me to update the blog!


Maria said...

Yeah for husbands realizing the importance of blogging.

Nanue said...

Thank you so much for posting on the blog !!!
Love it, love it, love it.
Nanue and Big Poppa

Londonacres said...

Thanks Matt!


Anonymous said...

Hey, you are a trouper, my friend. I am so amazed at your constant good humor and your obvious love of your girls when I know that you are so so so sleep deprived. You inspire me! I hope and pray your girl will start to sleep for longer stretches soon - and Matt will get a taste of Darby-at-Night and I bet it won't be nearly as bad as he is scared it will be!

You are a very amazing woman - and I'm so jealous of your self-potty-training girl! Wow! Georgia is getting so big.

Did you get Danni's email that she's pregnant again? I hope she can come see us at Playgroup one of these days.
