Saturday, May 17, 2008

Clean Girls

With a mohawk

Georgia t the same age for comparison

What happens when you leave a toddler in the shower with a bottle of shampoo? BUBBLES!


Maria said...

At least she has her clothes off in the shower with the bubbles. LOL! Both the girls are adorable!

Nanue said...

That is what bath time is all about...FUN ! FUN ! FUN !!

Darby...Nanue loves you so much. I just can't get over how big you are getting right before my eyes.
That smiles of yours just melts my heart.

Georgia...I am so proud of you. You are Nanue's big girl.
I love you so much and I am so ready for some kisses and hugs.

Thankful for you. Love, Nanue

Anonymous said...

Yay for bathtime! I made the mistake tonight of calling my dad and then letting Eowyn run around naked after her bath. Why a mistake? Because she POOED ON THE FLOOR. And peed, but the poo was grosser. Not like I don't clean it up all the time anyway, but we had a little chat about how that should go in the potty. And then she went and sat on the potty. And did nothing, but STILL!

Anyway, in non-poo-ing news, I got my Moby wrap the other day! I don't think I'll make it to play group this coming Wednesday because my friend Shannon and are going to get together at the park - but I am still relying on you for lessons!

Okay, I am getting SICK of coughing and peeing. Very very very annoying. And embarrassing, but I can't seem to help admitting it, mostly because it's more annoying than embarrassing.

Your girls are cute!
