Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Action Shots

Here is as much action as Barbara got for all of those curious parties wondering exactly how it went down. Don't worry, she video-taped it without me knowing so I have that to watch some day.
A picture of the tub pre-birth.

Me in the tub about 10 minutes away from having a baby. I think I look pretty good.

Ruth clamping the cord. (Notice the change in the color of the water.)

Matt cutting the cord.

Me holding my new baby.


Maria said...

You look amazing, and the new little one is absolutely adorable. I am glad it went well, and I would love to hear more about it sometime!

Unknown said...

The "miracle" of childbirth just made me throw up in a little bit.

Unknown said...

This is also why you shouldn't buy "only used once" kiddie pools on ebay.