Sunday, February 11, 2007

A Moment of Thanks

I just wanted to take the time to say how thankful I am for my little baby girl. She is such a joy to be with, words can't express it. I love her so much more every day and can't seem to spend enought time with her. She is the best thing to wake up to, no matter what time it is, and the best thing to take with me whever I go. I can't hug her or kiss her or hold her enough. She is the best thing I ever did, next to marrying her daddy. There is never a time I don't want to be with her and nothing I wouldn't do for her. Babies are wonderful! Georgia is more fun than anything I could ever have imagined.


Anonymous said...

That is the essense of a mom. You said it so beautifully !!!
I must make an addition: Georgia and Matthew are very lucky to have you in their life.
We love you Virginia!!! Thanks for giving our granddaughter and son such a wonderful life. You are so nurturing and loving.
Thankful for you three.
Love, Dan & Karen

Yvonne said...

excuse me while this prego lady gets a tissue. sniff* sniff*
very beautifully said.