Saturday, December 30, 2006

A new ride; monkey in the box and a little pug o' war

As you can see, we bought Georgia a new post-Christmas present. It's not exactly a pimp ride (no hydraulics or spinny hubcabs) but it makes the transport to and from granmama's a bit more fun.

The box, well, she's easy to please.

As for the pug dog, he wanted that hotdog and so did the monkey. After a bit of friendly tug-o- weiner (Milo's a good sport) , the pug won. There will no doubt be a rematch.


Anonymous said...

You guys are so cute !! What a fun toy for Miss Georgia. In that second picture she took my breath away,she looks like a porcelain doll.What a beauty !!!!
Georgia you will just have to teach Milo how to share.
Nanue and Big Papa sure miss you and we love you even more.
Happy New Year !!!!!

Anonymous said...

a girl in her chick mobile, love big papa