Sunday, August 05, 2012


It has been oppressively hot here and I have not had too much reason to take pictures.  Today was actually only in the nineties so the kids went outside this evening by themselves for about 45 minutes.  I had forgotten what that was like and Matt and I actually had an uninterrupted meal.  After we ate I went out and snapped some pictures of them playing.   

Georgia discovered a loose tooth today and won't stop fiddling with it.  

This is my bean tepee.  I have watered it diligently in the drought but we have never had a been. The only thing that hangs out in it is the peacock and probably part of the reason I have no beans.  That bird probably eats them.

1 comment:

Chelsea Bledsoe said...

Your girls are absolutely gorgeous. Our two-year-olds would have so much fun together!