Well, Georgia experienced her very first fair today. We got up and hit the gates at opening time of 10: am. We figured Sunday would be a good day to go and the earlier the better. Parking was no problem and we just strapped little miss into her stroller and away we went. She did so goods and just rode around for over an hour. Matt and I indulged in various fried foods that I won't go into but we all had a good time. Our overall visit last about an hour and 20 minutes and we were all glad to have gone.
Another milestone was reached last night when Georgia spent her first full night in her crib. I have been getting very lazy and she has been getting a little spoiled sleeping half of the night attached to her ninny (translation: my breast). I have not been sleeping all that well because of this so I decided she should make the big move to her own bed. I am still sleeping in the room with her but last night was the first night, maybe ever, where she did not get to sleep in bed with momma at all. I was up every hour to hour and a half with her but I think over the next few nights, as she gets used to her crib and forgets the comforts of my arms, she will start sleeping for longer stretches. I miss having her next to me but for her routine and my sanity, I think this will work best for both of us in the end. My goal right now is to have her only waking up a couple times a night and for me to be back in my own bed 2 weeks from now. Gradual change is the best for her and me at this point and as long as I have a goal, I can manage waking up all night for now.