Saturday, October 30, 2010

Nanue & Big Papa Oct. 2010 Visit

The girls had a great time with my in-laws. Here are some pics from that weekend. Too tired for captions.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Georgia's School Meets her Aids

As I have mentioned before, TPS has some great perks for those kids who are Deaf or HOH. They have a staff audiologists who travels to the kids to service the aids including taking impressions for new ear molds. They also have a liaison, Shannon, who helps with any other needs. Shannon recently went to G's class and talked to the kids about hearing aids, how they work and (most importantly) what to do if you find one laying around.
She let some of the kids listen through G's aides so they could see how much louder it is.

It is time for new molds so the audiologist came along and got impressions of G's ears.

G did great.

Messy Art Night Boston Avenue Style

This kid LOVES to paint!

So does this one.

Matt and his Mini-Me.

Still painting.

The folks at Boston Ave. were really brave and truly did let the kids get messy.

My sweet G.

Pumpkin Carving

We did carve a couple of jack-o-lanterns this year. They were not afraid to get in there and get messy.

We have some small, rechargeable, fluorescent flash lights so I let the girls put those inside and have control over their own pumpkin. Pretty good idea I think.

The flashlights actually made a pretty cool glow.

Georgia wanted a happy face while Darby wanted a scary one.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Favorite Places

One of our favorite places to stop and get dessert is Petty's in Utica Square.
The girls love the cupcakes with the decorative skewers.

Lovin' on baby sister.


We took the girls to the first Tulsa Luchapalooza and had a decent time. It scared the girls a little bit because there were men in masks and lots of noise. I think Matt probably enjoyed it the most. Here is a Luchador on the roof getting ready for battle.

Darby responding the the Roman candles that were set off.

Me wearing the mask G made.

Darby in the car in the mask she made.

We went over to Mary's house to scare them.

Scary indeed.