AS is for all babies, bedtime has become quite the trauma in my life, but hopefully not in Georgia's. Some nights she goes to bed so well and so peacefully and other nights she throws a holy fit. So , being the responsible mother I am, I sent Matt out to the library to get me the 2 formost books on baby sleep habits. So I plow through them yesterday only to find that they are the polar oposites in theroy. One has a methodical way to teach your baby to sleep and includes a fair amount of crying. The other one says to nurture your baby, sometimes causing much sacrifice to the parents.
Now I have no problem with they way my baby sleeps. She sleeps well and occationally wants to eat and I can handle that. It is the going to bed that she hates. Why is that? What in her tiny brain knows that it is time for bed and fights it? She will fall asleep for naps, no problem. But the final nap of the day, bedtime, is her sworn enemy.
So tell me internet world, do I let my sweet precious baby cry in hopes of teaching her how to fall asleep alone (Ferber) or do I nuture and teach her how to fall asleep with comfort and caring while sacrificing time with my husband and my own sleep (Sears)?