Captions by Matt Gleason:
A Daddy's dream come true. My girls do love their football, especially baby M.J.

Georgia is such a great helper in the kitchen. She's wrapping potatoes in foil for Virginia's amazing Thanksgiving twice-baked potato casserole. Yum. My favorite.

A little science lesson about turkey innards from Mary Byrne.

I think I was the only one who thought this was gross. The girls loved it.

A family picture sans Darby, who we weren't about to interrupt eating. She's "spirited," as we like to say, when she gets hungry. Man, that Virginia sure is a beauty just like her baby girls.

The Cousins. Blake looks so nice here, but he's a ruthless Blackjack player. And Michelle, well, she's a mean drunk. Just kidding. We always love when Blake and Michelle come to town. Come back soon, guys.

No, that's not a turkey in Kiki's shirt.

The first of many pictures Bob probably wishes didn't end up on the blog.

Baby: The other, other white meat.

Am I the only one unsettled by this?

Put that thing away, Bob! You're scaring the baby.

We were glad when Bob took her tongue out of Billy's ear for this picture.

The return of Rock Star Darby.

Please, no pictures.