Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mamma Glory

Glory is probably the best dog we will ever have. She is so good with the kids and such a protector. She has recently started limping really badly and x-rays prove she not only has a bad hip on one side but a bad knee on the other. The thought of her leaving us or having to make decisions about her fate is a really hard. Hopefully her pain level stays manageable and she will be with us a couple more years. Here is Darby loving on her.
Darby laid out her babies in a line and Glory lay down perfectly with them. It confused D a little bit I think.

Mary's Birthday 2010

Mary with her 3 grand babies

Vivian and Darby. Darby LOVES Vivian

Mary's Tucker cake. She openly admits she likes her dog more than anyone (including her children) most days.

And this is the pillow pile the kids made as some post party entertainment.