Saturday, July 01, 2006

you're a shooting star, that's what you are

This was taken not long after she woke up Saturday morning. The other pictures we took made her look like she was hungover from a long night of drinking gripe water.

I'm the daddy

Yesterday, big V left me alone with little G for almost a whole hour. This was huge.

V came home from work, fed G and then headed to Mary & Denny's to drink a beer and chop veggies for our stew.

The previous night had been, how you say, a freakin' nightmare. G had screamed her cute little head off, which left V 6 feet, 2 inches of frustration.

It should be said that G's not a big fan of being held by anyone other than her momma, so for V to leave G with me alone for that long was a big step for all three of us.

Before V left around 5:45, she told me I could not show up at Mary's before 6:30. Then the sliding door shut behind her and the game was on.

I vowed I would keep G happy.

Luckily, my girl G loves books, so I gathered up an armload of Baby Einsteins, and a few others, grabbed the green Boppy, and plopped down on the couch.

I didn't even leave Sports Center on mute.

In my sweetest voice, I read to G about animals and shapes and about some lame, blobs of color called the Kidgits.

My favorite book, one of the Baby Einsteins, had pictures of cows, ducks, and even a mirror.

The cool part was that it said things like "I am a cow" and then had it translated in two or three languages.

I could handle the Spanish but the Japanese or Chinese or whatever the heck language it was made me sound like an idiot. G didn't seem to mind, though.

At 6:30, almost on the dot, G got all shaky and red. The screaming ensued. I walked her around. Bupkus. I laid her on the bed and gave her the ol' pinkie. That worked for a few minutes but soon she was crying again. Finally, I headed to the living room to pop her in the battery-powered swing. Thank god, she liked that.

Then, before I knew it, V returned to a quiet house. Man, I have to admit that 45 minutes felt like two hours. I really don't know how V does it all day and night. She's a superhero in size 13 running shoes.

On a side note, V told me this morning that G had been fussy, occasionally screaming her head off, last night. That is until - that's right - her daddy came to bed. I fell asleep fast so I didn't get to hear G giggle and then slide off to sleep herself. What a sweetheart.

Sweet Pee

I never thought I would love the smell of pee. In the mornings, when she has gone all night without a diaper change, because she really does not pee too much when she sleeps, I love the way she smells like sweet breastmilk pee. I know it is wrong for me to a: let her smell like pee and b: for me to like it, but I can't help it. That mixture of baby smell and wet diaper makes me want to kiss her all over. But I can't because it will wake her up. And while I love that she smells like pee, I love even more that she loves to sleep in.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Fist Sucker

Well we are getting close to the inevitable fist or thumb sucking. Yesterday she went to town on her little hands just sucking and slurping away. So lady-like.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Not really anything to say. Once she is older I am sure we will have funny stories and cute anecdotes but right now she just eats, sleeps, poops (twice today) and sometimes, if you try really hard, smiles.

She was an angel baby today at work. She took long naps and did not fuss much at all. I am in the process of decorating her "nursery" up there and I got a lot done until today. We bought a bunch of animal pictures to hang on the walls and I covered some cabinets in an animal print cloth to make the room more child-like. My baby is going to love animals and have no fear on snakes!

We are looking forward to the Gleasons and the Davises coming this weekend. The fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays and I can't wait it next year when Georgia is old enough to know what is going on. Fireworks are a kid’s best friend. Here is a picture to tide you over until we have news: