Friday, June 28, 2013

Mera Belle

This kid can be summed up in one word: joy.  She is the most joyous child I have ever met.  She loves to laugh and does so all the time.  She is so sweet and sensitive and caring.  I can't get enough of her and cherish every single day with her at this age.  She is growing up way to fast and I wish I could slow down time just a little bit.  

Tater Salad

We have added a new member to the family.  This is something we almost did a year ago but realized it wasn't the right time.  We are now ready to welcome a cat into the fold.  Matt never had a cat growing up because his mother is none to fond of felines. This is one of the big reasons we had not gotten one but she has mellowed to them and realized how important it was to us, especially one family member in particular (the blond one wit the blue eyes).  We call he Tater Salad or Baby Tay Tay.  She is a great addition and so far so good.