Saturday, May 31, 2014

Last Day of School 2014

 Georgia had perfect attendance this year.  Not a single tardy, leaving early or day missed.  Where's my trophy?

 We had a splash pad play date after school to celebrate the end.  Here is Darby with some of her friends and teacher.

Dead Toad!!

San Francisco Sans Kids

We took our first leave of our kids together in 8 years since we started having them. Big thanks to Nanue and Big Papa for staying with them while we were gone. The following pictures are from our time in SF but can't begin to do justice to the amount of fun we had.  Being together and being with old friends was amazing.  It makes me smile just thinking about it.  We were able to fly first class and that was an amazing experience.  

 This photo is a bit of an inside joke

 We were there for my friend Dave's wedding and what a wedding it was.  I can't even begin to describe how classy and fun the whole weekend was. 
 On the bus to Alcatraz.  The whole wedding party went together.  

 My husband's dream of In N Out was achieved while there.  
They had a Hawaiian themed rehearsal dinner.

 We got to meet up with my Cousin Blake and his wife for lunch and a tour of the city.  

 Me getting ready alone without 3 kids climbing on me and asking to put lipstick on.  It's the little things.