Saturday, June 24, 2006

I Have a Minute

With work being so busy, posting is going to be hard for me and I may only get to it on the weekends. Georgia is taking a nap right now and Matt ran out to buy a floor toy for her. He gets kind of stir crazy on the weekends when I just want to stay home for the baby's sake. She gets fussy if we spend too much time in the car or out in town. Plus I have to feed her every 2 hours still and that's just easier to do at home.

Work is going well so far. I get up at about 6:10 and get dressed, then I wake her up and feed her, and then we go meet my mom at the park and run 3 miles. There is a shower at the shop so we all 3 head to the shop and I feed her again while Mary gets ready and then put Georgia in a bouncy seat while I get ready. It has worked out really well so far and I really am lucky to be able to keep her with me while I work. She is a great baby and doesn't cry too much.

Our most recent achievement was a long hand sucking while driving to Garden Ridge today. I heard her in the back seat just sucking away. I hope this means we are closer to finding our thumb and being able to keep it in our mouth so I get my finger back. It's hard to drive a standard with my hand hanging into the backseat so she has something to suck on and will stop screaming.

We have a big weekend ahead with the visitation on Nanue and Big Poppa and the Bek and Brad and Caroline on Monday. I hope Caroline is not too disappointed at the lack of playing ability her new cousin has. I am sure she will be happy to help take care of the baby though.

I will take some pictures of the nursery and post them for those of you who have not seen it and want to. She does not sleep in there yet but it sure is pretty!

Friday, June 23, 2006

momma's girl

Looks like precious baby G isn't a big fan of the bald guy who keeps calling her bubbers. It's true. It's a silly name. And, really, how can I blame her? Hmmm, bald guy with hairy knuckles or warm, sweet-smelling momma? Tough choice. Anyway, since those blasted shots, G's been pretty cranky. Tonight, she wanted my finger like a drunk wants the room to keep spinning. Luckily, as always, V was there to swoop in, gently scold me for my inability to quiet said child, and then swoop with child -- newly soothed by super momma -- off to the rocking chair. Ah, peace and quiet. I can't say I was too upset G wanted her momma. Baseball was on. Oh how I love to sit in one of the fatty captain chairs, drink a Corona and talk batting averages and stolen bases with Denny. Now, G's asleep, I'm eating a Kit-Kat and V's behind me reading what I'm writing. Hi V. I love you. I love you too...ok you guys can stop gagging now.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Here is where we got our shots:

And here is how we feel about it:

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

First Day Back

Work went well today. Georgia was well behaved and took a couple of good naps. We will just have to find our rythm in order for me to get stuff done. I am going to feel overwhelmed for a while I imagine because the household tasks will be harder to get done but that is where Matt will come in.

We go to the dr. tomorrow for shots and I am dreading it. Will let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Pacifier News

Well, my mom discovered something interesting this weekend. Once Georgia falls asleep, you can pull the old switcharoo on her and slip the paci in as you slip your finger out. I just tried it for naptime, it has been officially 30 minutes, and she is still in there sucking on the pacifier.

This is good for 2 reasons. Number one I can get away sooner if I get the paci in because she won't be as likely to wake up if she is sucking on something. Number 2, she will probably sleep sounder and longer if she gets to keep sucking. I am not worried about nighttime, just naptime. I have been struggling to get her to take some longer naps before I go back to work and this may be the ticket.

I will check back in later and update on how long she naps for. -v

Monday, June 19, 2006

More Pictures

Here is our girl after bath time. She always screams after bath unless the finger or the booby are in her mouth. I did not think a picture with the booby in her mouth was appropriate.

And here she is sleeping in the big bed. She does not get to sleep in the big bed at night but I sometimes pull he into bed with me in the morning to eat and she falls asleep so she gets to stay.


I know that the details of my child’s pooping habits are of interest to some of you and not to others. Those others might want to stop reading this now.

After Georgia's first month of life her pooping became sporadic and even rare. She would go three and four days with no poop. At first it concerned me but then I read that this is okay. She is just using all of the nutrients she is getting. When I would open her diaper, I would always be surprised when there was poop. I never knew when it would happen.

Well this morning we were hanging out in the bed together and I had her propped up on a pillow in a sitting position. All of the sudden her face got really red and she started grunting. Her eyes even watered a little. She did this grunting thing off and on for a few minutes and then stopped and we kept chatting and playing. Well, from the smell radiating from her lower area I was sure of what had happened. I changed her diaper and there was a big ole poop in there for me.

It is so exciting that she is becoming a little person and starting to poop like the rest of us!


Sunday, June 18, 2006

my girl georgia

Today is my first father's day. As a gift, little Georgia looked me right in the eye for the first time and actually recognized who I was. Maybe she didn't. It could have been gas. Either way, I'm glad I'm her daddy.

V's really an amazing mom. I marvel at her everyday. Today we were at Wal-Mart when V left me and G to use the bathroom. That always spells trouble. When momma's gone G's little chin gets shaky and pretty soon she's breaking my heart with her tears. I have a hard time doing baby talk when we're alone, much less in public so I did the best I could. I asked her how she slept last night. No answer. I told her I hate Wal-Mart and she just looked at me. Then she realized 'Hey, you're not the one with boobs. Where's the tall lady with the boobs?' and then got all shaky and red. I slipped my trusty pinkie in her mouth and everything was hunkydory.

When V finally showed up, both of us were relieved. Right off V got to talking all sweet and cute to make sweet baby G smile.

We bought a universal remote and candy. It's been a good day.
