From Matt Gleason:
I bought some Cadbury eggs at the store with the girls today. I told G and D that they had to eat their dinner before they could have one. G scarfed her dinner down fast to get one. D protested, so she didn't get her egg. We like to freeze the eggs, so I put ended up putting the remaining eggs in the fridge. Not long after, D was sitting at the base of the fridge trying to pry it open. While she was doing this, I walked by her and she said, "Daddy, I'm going to slam your feet in the fridgerator." I said "OK, you do that." Then she immediately said, "Daddy, I'm going to shove you down." Again, I said, "OK, you do that." To top off her threats, D gloomily said, "Daddy, I'm going to stick my hand in your butt." I had to cover my mouth to keep myself from busting out laughing. That kid is funny and not just a little vengeful.
By the way, V went to get the last egg out of the fridge tonight, but she found only an empy container. See, Georgia has free reign of the house after I go back to our bedroom and V is busy putting MJ to bed. That means G knows she could smuggle the last egg into her bedroom. She's a sneaky one. This is the same kid who has a 7:30 a.m. dentist appointment tomorrow morning to get her very first cavity filled.
On a totally different subject, I helped the girls make a spaceship out of a huge cardboard box yesterday. I even made them costumes out of plastic bags and foil. I told G she would look like an alien. She said, "Daddy, I don't want to be an alien." I said, "OK." Then she said, "I want to be an alien princess." So we added some pink to the costumes.
And today, at the park, G ran up to me, gave me a huge hug and said, "Daddy, I want you to call me your sweet baby princess." Later in the car, I said something like, "You're my monkey." Georgia corrected me saying, "Daddy, I told you to call me 'Sweet baby princess."