Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dress Up

My sister is great about handing things down to us and even though her girl is six years older than G we still have use for some of the stuff.  She gave Georgia a bunch of old dress up clothes for her birthday and the little ones had a great time getting into them.  
Darby in the hamburger hat.

Mera in the hamburger hat.

I can't even really describe this outfit.

Here is Mera as a hippy chick.

1 comment:

Barbara Allen said...

Those heels (there are probably four pair of them, including knee-high boots) came from an estate sale. The woman who owned them must have been TINY. I bought each pair of custom made Italian leather heels for $2 a piece. They got a lot of use by Vivian. I'm glad the little girls are getting to enjoy them now!!!