Saturday, February 04, 2012

Mera's Head

I feel like I owe a bit of a Mera update to the blog since she is over 18-months now and her development has not gotten much attention. I feel like I have expressed how sweet she is and not only that but she is content. It is so nice to finally have a content baby. I feel like I deserve it after the first two. She is content to play by herself and content to sit in her car seat for long periods and content to feed herself alone at the table (I still have to sit with Darby most meals and sometimes physically feed her to get her to eat). What I have not mentioned is how smart she is. It is funny because while I was running today I was thinking how happy I am that my blog has not become one big brag about my children. I think it is more a good illustration of the fun we have as a family and now here I am talking about how smart Mera is.

Alas, I digress. At this point Mera has surpassed a 50-word vocabulary and is combining two words into little phrases. "My water" My bite" "Dog treat" "Hi Georgia" are a few examples. She responds to one and two step commands and understands everything I say. She love her sisters and Georgia has a real novelty about her (probably because she is at school most days). We finally took down the crib from her room since she has never slept in it and the mattress on her floor will remain her bed for the future. This is weird for me since both the other girls were in a crib until the age of 3 and G until 4 (I know, weird). I am not used to laying in bad and having a little person come and climb in with me but this is what she does. My favorite part of it is when she wakes up from naps, she flings her door open, stumbles down the hall, and then looks at me and says, "Hi." Too cute.

She knows exactly what she want and will get it at all costs. I have a hard time saying no to her and she has eaten way more sugar in her life than either of the other two had at this point. She loves to climb and her favorite activity as of late is climbing on her stool and falling off. She enjoys giving the dogs treats and loves being outside. and most importantly she love to put things on her head and body. She has a pair of shorts she consistently wants to put on over her PJs and ends up sleeping that way. If she finds underwear laying around, straight on her they go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, I haven't read your blog in a ridiculously long time. I liked the NYE pictures of the kids on the couch - too fun! And your christmas tradition is awesome and I love it! I also pay my Discover card every month and LOVE my cash back bonus. GO discover card!!

Happy valentine's day!
