Saturday, January 28, 2012


Last weekend was so mild the kids were able to go out in the yard in their swim suits and play. I wouldn't let them get full-on wet but they made mud pies and taught Mera how to get dirty.

Darby loves dirty play adn would be dirty 24/7 if I would let her. The way it stands, I let her be dirty about 20/7.
Mera had her first taste (not literally) of mud and I would like to caption the following pictures now (note, I though it was a little too cold for a baby to be in a swim suit so she wore hers over her clothes):
"My sisters are doing this so I guess I should try it out."
"What stuck to my hands. I don't know about all this."
"Let me just take a look at this, maybe it's not so bad."
"Hey mom look, it's not so bad. I can do this like my sisters."
"I can do it but I am not so sure I really like it."
"Okay, yea, can we get this stuff off my hands now."
Georgia is not afraid.

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