Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I love this little thing so much. She is the happiest baby and such a joy to have in my life. She is so smart and laughs all the time. She knows exactly what she wants and makes her wants known (usually by SCREAMING). She loves her Mama most of all. I sleep with her half the night and love snuggling her little body next to mine and just falling asleep next to her warmth. She has an amazing attention span and is content to play by herself when she has a toy that interests her, sometimes for as long as 30 minutes. I call her my little teeter totter because of how she waddles around the house just going about her business. (She started walking about a month ago). She loves to be held and loves to eat. There is nothing she won't try, especially if I am eating it. She loves to shake her head "yes" and "no." She loves to slide and spin and be thrown around. She says bite, bye, mama, wawa (water), ouch, uh-oh, dada, GG for Georgia and some other things I can't remember right now.

I have three amazing and very different girls and Mera, some days, is my saving grace. Even on my worst of worst days, and as a mom we all have them, she is there smiling and laughing and loving me above all others. Some days she is all that keeps me sane and the only thing that reminds me to be kind.

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