Well I have be neglectful to the blog too long. This post may be short or it may be long but it is up to a sleeping baby. First I would like to explain why I have not blogged. The reason, besides busy holidays, is a life-sucking force named "Mera." She refuses to let anyone but me hold her without crying inconsolably. I hold her, she is happy. You hold her, she cries. I hold her, she is happy. Daddy holds her, she cries. I hold her, she is happy. My mom holds her, she cries. So you get the picture. This leads to me neglecting two very important things; my other children and my house. So on the weekends when I do have free-time I spend it with my other two kids or cleaning house, not blogging. Can you blame me?
Now you may wonder why I don't have time in the evenings. Well Mera can't make up her mind if she wants to sleep for 20 minutes or 40 minutes or two hours for the first part of her night sleep. So I try to spend a few kid-free moments with my husband discussing our days and issues with the other kids before having to go nurse my sweet baby back to sleep (while playing on my iPhone so not all that bad).
So there it is. She is still asleep so I will try to throw some pictures up for those who just come for that.
1 comment:
There you are! Aren't babies fun? Ha ha! Love the Ode To G - she is a wonderful and sweet girl. My mom just went home today so I am back to doing all my own cooking and cleaning. We missed pg this last week because there was just so much to do. Will be back this week. Glad to get the Gleason Update!
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