I have had a great week with Darby. We have spent some real quality time together while sister is in school and she is out (for another week I'd add). When I first had G I thought she was difficult and "spirited" so I started to read "Raising Your Spirited Child." Well I pretty quickly decided she was not spirited. I think I should give the book another try though because Darby is definitely spirited. She has no less than 5 melt-downs a day, which G never had, and if you don't make her eat every 2 hours you better get out your stun gun.
There is a scene in "The Lost Boys" where a little kid turns into a vampire and comes flying out from behind a door with his teeth showing and his hair standing on end and one of the vampire fighters, maybe Cory Feldman, says "It's the return of Eddie Munster!" Matt and I have come to know when a fit is approaching and will turn to each other and say just that. The resemblance between Darby and that little vampire kid is eerie.
But here are some pictures of her being sweet. Here she is nursing her baby.
And loving on baby sister.
If you ask Darby her sister's name she says Flower Mera Jane.
Darby you are such a great big sister to Flower Mera Jane. So adorable.
Hope to see you both soon. Love, Nanue
Awesome movie reference! Just make sure she doesn't eat the maggots:)
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