Thursday, May 13, 2010

Genetic Testing

We were led to a really good resource for Genetic testing by the folks in OKC so we were able to afford to get it done without breaking the bank. The test is called SoundGene and they basically send you a packet that allows your own Dr. to do the blood draw and then you overnight it to their lab. Within 72 hours they send the results to your Dr.

So we had G's finger pricked and had her little finger milked enough to fill up 4 circles on a piece of litmus-like paper. She screamed through this whole process and Darby was sitting behind her. Darby heard the screaming and said, "I want to see." So she moved in for a better view of the trauma. Off the subject, we left my midwife's appt. the other day and Darby said, "I wanted Ruth to take your blood." I hated disappointing her like that.

Anyway, we got the results back and none of the markers came up positive. This doesn't mean it is not a genetic cause, it just means of all the genetic causes they know how to test for, it does not match any of those. I am neither happy or sad about this. I am not one of those parents desperate to find a cause because that doesn't really change anything.

Yesterday we had Georgia's hearing tested with her aids in and she did great. She defiantly hears better with them in. We also had Darby's hearing tested and she passed no problem, which is no surprise to me. I wasn't really worried but at least now we don't have to wonder about her.

In other news, G wore her aids from 8:30 until 12:30 this morning without even complaining or mentioning them. She has had them in all afternoon as well so that part of it is going really well. I am pleased she is getting used to them and they are becoming part of her day.


Nanue said...

That is reason to celebrate !!!
Love to you all.
See you soon. Nanue

Shanley said...

Just found your blog - and I've become a bit caught up in the story of your daughter! Hope that things improve for you, and I will be praying that they do!