Thursday, May 07, 2009

Birthday Party II

Georgia had a small "paint" party the Saturday after her birthday and I have over 100 pictures so this post was hard for me. I made her cake a purse since she carries a purse more religiously than me and it had real lipstick coming out of it since she loves that as well.

That child loves to open presents.

And give hugs.

I had makeshift easels set up so everyone could paint.

Georgia had no regard for what her painting looked like. She just wanted to put paint all over that paper.

Looks like Super felt the same way.

Lucas drawing R2D2 with Tatooie sun in the background.

Georgia and Jonas looking at Super like he is crazy, which he is. Crazy fun.

Art is in the eye of the beholder.

They do have the love of messes in their blood.

G played race with Jonas and Lucas and they must have circled the yard ten times.

Lucas fell and then Georgia fell and Jonas took the opportunity to leave them in his dust.

Georgia and the cousins at the end still smiling.

Darby was at the party, just not in the pictures.

1 comment:

Nanue said...

What a fun birthday party !!!
Everyone had such a great time.
So glad we were able to be there to share in her celebration. Love, Nanue and Big Poppa