Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We Have a Toddler

Darby is unlike any other toddler I have ever seen in that she does not really pull up on stuff. She just stands up. Wherever she is she just stands up and starts walking. She never pulls up on one thing and steps to another, she just stands and starts going. Her record at his point is 5 or 6 steps but I give her 2 weeks before she is running. She also loves to walk behind her push toy.

She also loves to play with G's blanket and cover her head with it. She will stand up and put it over head and then pull it off, if she doesn't fall down first.


Maria said...

Wow! Already? SLOW DOWN DARBY! :)

Nanue said...

That's my Darby. What a sweetheart!!! Nanue is so proud of you.
I love you, Nanue

Anne and Joel said...

I can't believe Darby is walking already! Crazy! She looks so big, too. What a difference a couple of months makes. Wow...a new phase of parenting, huh?

Yvonne said...

Wow...I can't believe how quickly that happened!!! Looks like lots of fun to be had at your place!