Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lucas's Birthday

We went to Lucas's birthday party today and it was lots of fun. Kelly did a great job having activities for the kids and Georgia loved the Oreo stacking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like oreo stacking! Based on Georgia's amazing block-stacking ability (demonstrated so ably at play group), I am not surprised at her giant tower. Cute pictures!

Guess the new baby is still inside (or maybe you're in labor RIGHT NOW!!! It's so exciting!). I read a blog of a woman who is planning on doing an UNASSISTED home birth for her 5th baby. She has plans for her 9 yr old to be on video camera and the next oldest is to man the camera... VERY INTERESTING. But I suppose after 4, the next one isn't quite as much of an unknown.

Okay, will go now - am thinking of you!!!!
