Monday, December 31, 2012


After Christmas we took the girls to OKC for an overnight and had a blast. We spent the day at the Omniplex and then spent the night in a hotel and went swimming the next morning.  What more could a family want from a vacation.  If you ask Darby about it she will tell you she got to sleep in the same bed as Georgia.  



Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Morning 2012

Most of the pictures are self explanatory.

 My husband told me he wanted hug vouchers from my mom.  He is a sweet boy.  Guess I should hug him more.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

Unfortunately Darby was very sick on Christmas Eve so we went to Mary's and locked her upstairs in a room by herself but I didn't take as many pictures as usual and did not get a family picture.